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Biomedical Pathway

The Biomedical Pathway is designed for students who excel in mathematics and natural sciences and are interested in the fields of biology or medicine. In addition to intensive classroom instruction in advanced mathematics, health sciences, physical sciences and chemical and biological sciences, students gain clinical knowledge by working with professionals in hospitals. Students also conduct research and attend lectures provided by physicians, research scientists and medical professionals.

Anatomage Table

St. John Bosco’s Biomedical and Sports Medicine Pathways are equipped with the most technologically advanced 3D anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tool for Anatomy and Physiology, the Anatomage Table. Used by many of the world’s leading schools and universities including Stanford, USC, Oregon, Michigan, Northwestern and more, this learning tool gives our students an incredible advantage upon entering college.


Learn more and watch a full demonstration.

Full Demo

SimRated | The Next Generation

Announcing the next phase for the Biomedical Pathway Curriculum...

SimRated is an all-in-one training solution that specializes in medical procedures, where training methodology is based upon skill acquisition theory to accelerate students to procedure competency. This platform will provide hands-on training to the students in the areas of intubation, EKG lead placement, IV placement, and phlebotomy to name a few. This platform will provide an innovative approach where students will have the opportunity to learn medical procedures and then participate in hands-on training led by doctors.

Pathway Information

Department Members

Robert Linares

Robert Linares

Phone Numbers:
School: (562) 920-1734 ext. 221