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Youth Ministry

St. John Bosco High School Youth Ministry’s mission is to foster student attraction and commitment to the values of the Gospel.

Youth Ministry’s mission is to foster student attraction and commitment to the values of the Gospel. Students are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with Christ and the Church through participation in:
  • Daily Morning Mass
  • Monthly All-School Mass
  • Reconciliation Services
  • Grade-level Retreats
  • Youth Formation
  • Campus Ministry Club
  • Christian Service
  • Altar Serving
  • Active Participation in Liturgies

Campus Ministry Office

The Campus Ministry Office is located in the main building of the school on the third floor, room 238. Students are always welcome to make an appointment with Dr. Francesca Po (Coordinator of Youth Ministry) or Mr. Sergio Esparza (Campus Minister) or drop by anytime to receive guidance. Campus Ministry provides an “ear” for students who need someone with whom to talk.

Leadership Opportunities

Many youth ministry programs are directed and administered by students. Such responsibility affords students valuable training and an opportunity to practice leadership, which we hope they will take with them to their future parishes and apostolates. Leadership opportunities consist of: Youth Ministry Club, Retreat & Kairos Leaders, Altar Serving and more.

Catholic Social Teaching

An integral part of the spiritual formation of our community is to be grounded and committed to Catholic Social Teaching. Learn about it here

Department Members

Sergio Esparza

Sergio Esparza

Titles: Theology Instructor, Campus Minister
Dr. Francesca Po

Dr. Francesca Po

Titles: Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Theology Instructor

Helpful Links

Faith in action! If you'd like to volunteer at the Catholic Workers of Los Angeles Hospitality Kitchen where you'll help prepare and serve food to people in Downtown Los Angeles experiencing homelessness, you can find more information at the link below. All students are welcome and encouraged to participate. 

Hospitality Kitchen