Algebra 1
This is a course in elementary algebra for the average and above average student. The subject covers an in depth study of the topics of number, linear equations and inequalities of one and two variables, polynomials and polynomial equations, and problem solving.
Prerequisite: (1) Algebra 1 or (2) HSPT Score between 6 and 8 and a Geometry Readiness Score of 70% or better. A course in Euclidean Geometry for the average to above average student. It provides a careful in depth study of the principles of geometry covering the topics of: parallel lines, congruency, similarity, polygons, circles, constructions, area, volume, and coordinate geometry.
Geometry Honors
Prerequisite: (1) A in Algebra 1 or (2) Stanine score of 7-9 on the Placement Test and MDTP Geometry Readiness score of 90% or better. The Honors Geometry course is a comprehensive look at the study of geometric concepts including the basic elements of geometry, proofs, parallel and perpendicular lines, the coordinate plane, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, trigonometry, congruence and similarity, surface area, volume and transformations. This class will also include a look into some Algebra concepts as well as a study of conics.
Algebra 2
Prerequisite: (1) Geometry or Honors Geometry or (2) HSPT Score between 4 and 9 and a Second Year Algebra Readiness Score of 70% or better. A continuation of the study of algebra for the average and above average student with a detailed focus on its structure. The topics covered will include: number, linear systems, polynomial equations, relations, functions conic sections, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences, series and the counting principle.
Algebra 2 with Trigonometry Honors
Prerequisite: A in Geometry or a minimum grade of B in Geometry Honors. This course is designed for the above average student in mathematics. It is a preparation for the study of Precalculus Honors. It covers all of the major topics of Algebra 2 along with a full course of Trigonometry.
Elementary Statistics
Prerequisite: Algebra 2. An overview of the science of statistical estimation with a focus on a basic understanding of fundamental statistical measures, methods of quantifying and classifying data, current applications, and interpretation of the validity of statistical inference.
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 with Trigonometry Honors or a minimum grade of B in Algebra 2. This is a course for the above average student in mathematics. The course provides a study of advanced algebra, trigonometry and an introduction to differential and integral calculus. It is a preparation for a comprehensive study of calculus.
Pre-Calculus Honors
Prerequisite: A in Algebra 2 or a minimum grade of B in Algebra 2 with Trigonometry Honors. A course designed for the superior student in mathematics. It is a preparation for the study of AP Calculus (BC). The course will review and enhance the study of: elementary functions, graphing, modeling, exponential and logarithmic functions and trigonometry, limits, continuity and will then cover the major concepts and applications of differential calculus and an introduction to integral calculus.
Financial Literacy
Prerequisite: Algebra 2. Financial Literacy is a college-preparatory, applied-mathematics course integrated with key math content standards. The innovative finance curriculum utilizes mathematics to teach key life skills; students learn to think critically and plan for the long-term. The curriculum covers the importance of saving, strategies for generating and protecting greater wealth, as well as fundamental career skills including negotiations and professionalism. Designed and implemented by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business faculty, the curriculum is designed to provide students with access to greater future wealth.
AP Calculus AB
Prerequisite: A in Pre-Calculus and a minimum grade of B in Pre-Calculus Honors. This is a course for the superior mathematics student. It is a full-year college course in the theory, application and problem solving of the differential and integral calculus restricted to one variable. Students in this course will be prepared to take the AP Exam in May with the possibility of receiving college credit and/or placement.
AP Statistics
Prerequisite: A in Algebra 2 or a minimum grade of B in Algebra 2 with Trigonometry Honors. The purpose of the AP course in statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: (1) Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns; (2) Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study; (3) Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation; and (4) Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses. Students in this course will be prepared to take the AP Exam in May with the possibility of receiving college credit and/or placement.
AP Calculus BC
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of B in AP Calculus AB. This course is a continuation of the Calculus series. It is a very rigorous course with differential and integral calculus extended to vectors, parametric equations, sequence, series and differential equations. Students in this course will be prepared to take the AP Exam in May with the possibility of receiving college credit and/or placement.