Beginning Band
Students will discover the world of music through hands-on work with concert band instruments. Musical terminology, rhythmic figures and reading skills will be learned to further enhance this experience. Concert Band is considered a performance group. Instruments being offered are Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba, Electric Bass, Mallet Percussion and combined percussion.
Intermediate Band
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of B in Beginning Band. Intermediate Band is year-long course open to students with previous instrumental music experience and who already know how to read music. Students will participate in pep band, marching band and concert band performances. Students are required to attend private or semi-private sectionals/lessons on a regular basis. In addition, students will have individual opportunities to participate in optional events like Solo and Ensemble Contest, IMEA and the Conference Music Festival. Attending all full band performances is a course requirement. Members will also practice marching techniques and music to be used in performances at football games and parades. Members will be expected to attend rehearsals outside of regular class time.
Drumline/Percussion Band
This is an 8th-period course. This course teaches the basics of music reading and performance in the area of orchestral percussion. Percussion instruments to be covered include snare drum, bass drum, xylophone, vibraphone, marimba, timpani and auxiliary percussion instruments such as tambourine and triangle. Students will perform intermediate level percussion ensemble literature in a range of performance situations. Some performances will be on weekends, which may require traveling. Students will also prepare literature for concert band performances. Students will study and analyze music from historical periods and various cultures to gain a broad understanding of how music has been influenced by culture and period history. Students will study and analyze music theory at an intermediate level and create musical compositions at an intermediate level. (Pending UC approval).
Jazz Band
This is an 8th-period course. The purpose of this course is for the students to continue to improve and develop their skills, knowledge, and appreciation of jazz music through active listening and performance of varied jazz idioms and to be able to effectively communicate this understanding through the use of jazz idioms and improvisation. Students will achieve an advanced level of proficiency on an instrument while developing creative and artistic expression. (Pending UC approval).
Marching Band/Wind Ensemble
This is an 8th-period course. This course is designed to introduce the student to a variety of styles used in marching band. This course will expose and develop the student's knowledge and understanding of basic theory, instrument practice, and technique, both in an ensemble setting and in an individual practice setting. In addition, students will learn both the physical and mental types of marching routines in relation to the style of music. (Pending UC approval).
Color Guard
This is an 8th-period course. This course provides students with the opportunity to create and perform movement pieces, develop show designs and works, learn and practice teaching techniques, interpret and evaluate dance and color guard, and enhance competency leading to successful career opportunities. Students will be expected to show knowledge of and demonstrate intermediate and advanced level dance movement in the styles of modern, ballet, jazz, contemporary, and other cultural dances. Students will also learn partner choreography and techniques, as well as safe techniques for partner sharing and weight sharing. (Pending UC approval).
Popular Music
Prerequisite: Completion of 1-year VAPA requirement. This course is designed for students to examine American popular music through the mid-late twentieth century through the early part of the twentieth first century. The course will focus on how the political, cultural, and economic factors in American history helped influence the development of the lyrics of music of pop, rock, soul, blues and other musical genres. The course will also examine the use of lyrical and musical development as a form of expression/protest. Using American History as a cultural backdrop, students will better understand the development of various musical genres, compositional techniques, usage of instruments/sounds, and other notable musical characteristics found in American popular music.
Hip Hop: Formation, Structure, and Production
Prerequisite: Completion of 1-year VAPA requirement. Drawing on the rich history and influence of Hip-Hop course students will create original content through the written word and the creative process that will then be transformed into artifacts/songs/song segments. Students will learn the nuances of songwriting, producing beats, arranging tracks and creative sampling. Students will be introduced to and work hands-on with current technology, tools, and concepts that are utilized in the world of professional music makers in the commercial recording industry. Projects that will be created in the course will be both collaborative and individually based. (Pending UC approval).