20-Credit Graduation Requirement
All courses are UC-approved and satisfy UC and
Cal State application requirements.
Spanish 1
Provides practice in listening for comprehension and speaking. The student learns vocabulary related to home, school and community. The student will practice pronunciation, intonation and use of basic language structures in both oral and written exercises. The course develops appreciation for the customs and traditions of Spanish-speaking people both within the United States and abroad.
Spanish 1 for Heritage Speakers Honors
Prerequisite: Passing grade on the Heritage speaker placement assessment. A year-long course designed to fulfill the needs of home speakers of Spanish. The course builds upon the knowledge; skills and experiences students bring to the Spanish classroom. Attention is given to the skills of reading, writing, grammar, listening and speaking. Students are given ample opportunities to express themselves in speech and writing.
Spanish 2
Prerequisite: Spanish 1. Reviews the subject matter presented in Spanish 1 and provides further practice in comprehension, speaking, oral reading and writing. Language structures appropriate to this level are covered and correct pronunciation and intonation are further developed. The course further develops appreciation of the culture, customs, geography, history and traditions of Spanish speaking people throughout the world.
Spanish 2 for Heritage Speakers Honors
Prerequisite: Spanish 1 for Heritage Speakers. This course provides further practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing for the speakers of Spanish. The meaningful and personalized activities motivate students to improve the quality of language they produce. The course focuses on reading development, formal grammar, general facility in composition and conversation.
Spanish 3
Prerequisite: Spanish 2 or Spanish 2 for Heritage Speakers. Further develops aural-oral facility through more varied listening and speaking activities. Grammatical concepts are reviewed and analyzed, while vocabulary development and proficiency skills are fostered in conversational settings. In addition, there is appreciation of Hispanic culture.
Spanish 3 Honors
Prerequisite: A in Spanish 2 or minimum grade of B in Spanish 2 for Heritage Speakers. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP Spanish Language and Culture class. The course includes expansion upon previously learned grammar as well as new advanced concepts, vocabulary study, and extensive use of all modalities in interpretive, interpersonal and presentational contexts. The continued study of culture from Spanish-speaking regions will occur through the use of literature and other authentic sources (music, audio sources, video, articles, etc). The class will be taught almost exclusively in the target language and students will be expected to use the target language as well.
AP Spanish Language and Culture
Prerequisite: A in Spanish 3 OR minimum grade of B in Spanish 2 for Heritage Speakers OR minimum grade of B in Spanish 3 Honors. A college level course in advanced Spanish composition and conversation. It emphasizes aural/oral skills, reading comprehension, grammar and composition. Students in this course take the AP Exam in May with the possibility of receiving college credit and/or placement.
AP Spanish Literature and Culture
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of B in AP Spanish Language and Culture. A college level course that covers selected authors from the literature of Spain and Spanish America and centers on the understanding and analysis of literary texts. The class enhances students’ proficiency while developing their ability to analyze texts and communicate ideas through discussion and writing. Students in this course take the AP Exam in May with the possibility of receiving college credit and/or placement.